Yorkshire Wolds, The: Journey of Discovery (Oct)

Yorkshire Wolds, The: Journey of Discovery

  • Stock No
  • 59887
  • 9781913625078
  • Author
  • Fleur & Colin Speakman
  • Format
  • PB
 In stock
Your price: £13.50


The Yorkshire Wolds are one of Yorkshire and England's most magical but least known landscapes - dry grassy valleys through undulating chalk hills, unspoiled villages, a dramatic coastline, delightful market towns such as Beverley and Pocklington, and as a focal point, 2017 City of Culture, Kingston upon Hull. This book provides an insight into the rich history and culture of the Wolds, a story shaped by saints, soldier-adventurers, merchants, fisherman, engineers, architects, farmers, landowners, writers, and in most recent times, England's greatest living painter David Hockney, whose work has created a national awareness of the natural beauty and unique landscape of the Yorkshire Wolds. But this is also a practical guide, with detailed information and advice on how to explore the area whether by car, local train and bus, by cycle, horseback or, on foot, with suggestions on how to reach those special places, that will make a visit to the Yorkshire Wolds such a memorable experience.