100 Outstanding British Walks (Nov)

zz 100 Outstanding British Walks (Discontinued)

  • Stock No
  • 54879
  • 9780319090862
  • Author
  • OS
  • Format
  • PB
 Currently out of Stock
Your price: £17.99


This magnificent compendium of outstanding British walks brings together the finest selection of Pathfinder Walks in Britain s officially designated places of scenic beauty and historic interest: National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, National Scenic Areas, Heritage Coast, National Trails and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There are 100 walking gems in this collection, recommended by a group of experienced authors and guides. The walks span a range of distances and degrees of challenge and are organised by region with coverage across England, Wales and Scotland. 100 Outstanding British Walks is lavishly illustrated with stunning landscape photography and informative introductions to each of the walks. It is designed to be enjoyed at home, while the OS Maps app provides the practical means to follow each of the routes in the great outdoors.
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